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Call on Lighting Technologies for
your next commercial lighting upgrade.

You have lighting for a reason. Spending money to lower your cost of ownership for substandard lighting is no bargain.

That’s why Lighting Technologies performs turn-key design and installation of LED lighting upgrades and retrofits. We don’t just swap your old fixtures for LED. We look at what you need from your lighting today and provide a custom solution designed for tomorrow.

Past commercial lighting upgrade projects include parking lot lighting, sign lighting, office lighting, warehouse lighting, and hospital lighting.

Have you ever been in a warehouse and noticed light fixtures directly over the racks? Or been in a parking lot with additional flood lights mounted to poles? Have you walked into an office where the occupant has removed some of the lamps because it was too bright to see the computer screen? We find that by optimizing the lighting we can offer better energy savings and improve the lighting quality at the same time.

We can help you reduce your investment costs by taking advantage of the Georgia Power rebates, which we process at no additional charge. We can also assist you in obtaining lease financing so that you can have the work done with no up-front expense. Most often, the energy savings exceed the lease payments so our customer’s put money in their pocket from day one.

Save your energy. We’ll take care of it!
